Dry Type Distribution Transformers, as the name indicates, is a special tool that leaves electric energy to their assigned places. They are transmitting powers coming from the generators (like power plants) to homes and businesses. It is made of very important processes because of the fact that it keeps the electricity so we can make use of our devices and appliances. Furthermore, numerous utility providers require using dry transformers to transmit electrical signals over long distances effectively. When we transfer electricity from any source to another place it should be of the same effective and strong. Once the windows have been cleaned, it will be clear that no mineral oil was used in building them, and they seem to b ewell established with oblique glass sheets on an often called "dry" transformers. Oil transformers help the direction of electrical flow while flowing applied transformers just use air which passes through an overheat. Hence, in many cases this makes Dry Type Transformer from QXG a much safer substitute.
Among them, there is one special feature of dry type distribution transformers making really different from other types: they do not need any oil. This is extremely beneficial for the environment as the oil can be dangerous and an oil spill creates much more big problems with the nature of wildlife. Minor environmental risks are there in case we use dry transformers. Dry transformers are relatively less maintenance as well when contrasted with an oil-filled transformer. Oil filling is not required, and the topping up and changing of this will compete with air cooling fan unit maintenance. Size Another benefit you get from a dry transformer is that they tend to be smaller than oil-filled transformers. This is an advantage, especially in these hustle-bustle cities and towns where you have little space at your place. Dry-type QXG distribution transformers save space, allowing the land around buildings and facilities to be used more effectively.
In terms of selecting the dry type distribution transformer that will serve you best, there are a few key factors to consider. Directly, what we will do is configuring the power output you want transformer to deliver. Power is in watts or kilowatts and often called "load". Select a load for the transformer. trafo tipe minyak dan kering Must be able to handle minimum power value inorder to work correctly this is another important step in designing transformers.
Anda juga harus memikirkan seberapa besar energi yang Anda inginkan untuk perubahan dan untuk itu, item tindakan apa yang akan berguna. Ada trafo yang dapat menaikkan atau menurunkan daya ke tingkat yang berbeda (ampere), jadi memilih trafo yang tepat untuk kebutuhan khusus Anda sangatlah penting. Terakhir, pastikan Anda memiliki cukup ruang untuk menampung trafo. Pilihlah Trafo Distribusi Tipe Kering Tiga Fasa transformer from QXG.
Preventive maintenance is much less intense with a dry type distribution transformer than an oil-filled one, but it will still require regular inspection and cleaning. Maintaining your Three Phase Dry Type Distribution Transformer in a good shape is required for efficient performance and extended life of the instrument. Thank you for making through this all if your still here — glad to see some interest in transformers obviously. A well-cleaned and properly maintained transformer is an efficient one and also provides years of service.
Ventilasi udara masuk dan keluar trafo harus dibersihkan. Udara sangat penting untuk kesejukan trafo, dan trafo harus terbuka terhadap akses udara bebas di sekitar permukaannya. Setelah memastikan, periksa juga apakah kabel dan sambungannya stabil. Pemeriksaan rutin ini mungkin tampak kecil, tetapi akan mencegah potensi masalah yang mungkin timbul dari sambungan yang longgar.
Dry transformers also tend to work more efficiently and use less electricity than other methods, why energy waste in the generation of power can be avoided using a dry transformer. We increasingly see the competitive use of dry type distribution transformer due to cost and if this trend continues, along with care at the unit design layout level they may become more abundantly used in following years.
Daripada melakukan perilaku seperti ini, kita harus tahu bahwa yang menjadi tugas kita adalah sadar akan penghematan energi dan bertindak sesuai dengan hal tersebut demi bumi yang sehat. Kami juga memilih trafo kering demi kepentingan lingkungan dan menghemat sumber daya penting untuk generasi selanjutnya. Kita harus menyadari jejak yang kita tinggalkan untuk generasi mendatang sebagai hasil dari tindakan kita.
Our factory is outfitted with the manufacturing Dry type distribution transformers that has been latest. Significantly more than 20,000 transformers are stated within our factory every one year. For regular transformers, our manufacturing takes about 4 weeks. For custom solutions, our production time is between 6 plus 8 months.
Kami adalah produsen terkemuka QXG kami meliputi trafo tegangan ultra-tinggi 110KV, 220KV, trafo kering 35KV di bawah trafo terendam minyak, trafo paduan amorf, gardu induk yang sudah dipasang sebelumnya dan pemilihan spesifikasi untuk trafo lapangan, trafo penyearah trafo tungku, trafo pertambangan, sepanjang dengan trafo khusus lainnya.
QXG adalah perusahaan berkelanjutan yang ahli dalam bidang energi listrik selama lebih dari dua dekade. Fasilitas ini merupakan fasilitas seluas 240,000 meter persegi dengan lebih dari 1,000 karyawan dan 200 spesialis dan insinyur.
We now have a complete material is Dry type distribution transformers, allowing quality to be controlled in each action. Raw material QC can be accessed regarding the websites, as is pre-loading and raw material. We shall make sure that all items are quality. These products we offer can be tailor-made to fulfill your needs IEC which was including CSA GOST TIER.