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energy-saving pole mounted transformer

Ever noticed those large metal boxes perched atop high poles when driving around your town? Those boxes are pole-mounted transformers, and they serve an important purpose! Thanks to them, electricity enters our homes and schools. If it was not due to these transformers, we would not have enough power to switch on lights and use televisions or computers.

These are the transformers on poles that tied to the long cables bringing electricity from power plants (mostly fossil fuels) to our houses and schools. These power plants make electricity but in a type which is called high voltage electricity — too hazardous for us to use. Enter the pole-mounted transformers. They convert the high voltage electricity to low voltage. This is necessary to ensure the safety of electricity traveling through power lines and into our homes.

The Energy-Saving Pole Transformer

Well, its time to discover a really interesting and useful thing called pole transformers which helps in energy saving! These transformers are the same as those we see daily hanging from telephone poles, but their trick is that they do the job using less energy. All of this sounds like excellent news for the rest of us!

But how does these transformers saves energy? Within the transformer, there are a number of coils made out of a special type of material that is very good at transmitting electricity. This unique material is known as amorphous metal. They are highly efficient and do not waste much electricity at all when electricity is running through these coils. This also means that they require less power to do the same work as standard coils. Hence it makes us use electricity wisely by saving energy transformers.

Why choose QXG energy-saving pole mounted transformer?

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