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500KVA uch fazali prokladkaga o'rnatilgan transformator

Have you seen those huge metal boxes that you can find at the side of streets? These boxes are known as pad mounted transformers, and they serve a critical function in our power grid. In this post, we are going to discuss QXG 2500KVA astarli transformator. We use this transformer send the electricity to many locations — so this could be your home, business, or community. Taking this into account in knowing how does this transformer works will make us appreciate the electricity that we are using everyday.

500KVA uch fazali prokladkaga o'rnatilgan transformator

Special Equipment : 500KVA Three Phase Pad Mounted Transformer Its primary function is to convert high voltage electricity into low voltage. This is significant, because high voltage electricity would be deadly if we were to use it in our homes or businesses. The transformer steps down the voltage and makes it safe. It is known as "three phase due to its three connections that helps in working properly. Pad mounted This transformer is resting on a concrete pad at ground level (ie. This kind of design maintains its stability and firm. QXG transformer has the capacity of 500KVA to pass through a lot of electricity without problem.

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