The transformers that are sorely needed are among the most important machines in all of creation, capable of stepping electricity from one level of power to another. They are crucial to our electrical systems. Not every transformer is created equal, however. Some are more massive and muscular than others. QXG 6000KVA three-phase pad mounted transformer is also for the good performance and its advantages in several industries and economic enterprises. Learn more about what makes this transformer great!
It is a heavy-duty three-phase QXG 6000KVA power transformer. It typically comes in at around 5,000 to 7,500 pounds—quite hefty! For some perspective, it's approximately 8 foot long, 4 foot wide and 6 foot tall. It’s taller than most people! This is a three-phase transformer, a kind of electricity, to make your power transfer more effective. The transformer has a voltage level of 12,470/7,200 volts, making it capable of transmitting a big load of electricity.
So, what does all of this line up to? It indicates that QXG 6000KVA transformer is capable of consuming huge power and transmitting a huge distance with nominal loss. That is why it is ideal for large-scale factories, manufacturing units, and other commercial properties that require large amounts of energy to function smoothly.
The other fantastic thing about this transformer is that it can last globally! It can be good for about 40 years if taken care of beautifully and use it the right way. That's why this transformer offers such a long service life: for businesses investing in them, they can tap into a reliable power source for generations without having to commit to purchasing a second transformer.
Designed with safety in mind, the QXG 6000KVA transformer. It utilizes special materials with all the best protection qualities when it comes to electrical shocks, fires, and so on. That means it is programmed to ensure people are safe while it runs. A transformer also consists of other protection devices, such as automatic trip systems, fuses, and circuit breakers. These devices are used to help avoid accidents and ensure that the power is continuous and consistent, which is an important aspect in any work area.
QXG 6000KVA transformer is also very easy to install. This transformer is also designed with compactness that can sit on a concrete pad, unlike some other transformers that have complex installation processes. This simplifies installation and maintenance for the workers and helps reduce the time and costs associated to get everything up and running.
The QXG 6000KVA transformer is, бүрэндэл pinstm. High efficiency means less electrical energy consumption that leads to a reduction of greenhouse gasses expelled into the atmosphere. This is good for the planet! Another real benefit is not only reducing the space required to configure it but also reducing the area affected by construction as a result of its compact design and easy installation.
Ми забезпечуємо повний ланцюжок сировини, що дозволяє контролювати якість протягом кожного процесу. Трифазний трансформатор, встановлений на колодці, 6000 кВА доступний в Інтернеті разом із можливістю попереднього навантаження та контролю якості природних матеріалів. Ми можемо забезпечити високу якість усіх товарів. Кожен із наших продуктів можна налаштувати відповідно до стандартів, які вам дійсно потрібні, включаючи IEC, IEEE, CSA, UL, GOST, TIER.
Ми абсолютно професійний виробник QXG. Ми пропонуємо широкий асортимент продукції, в тому числі 110 кВ і 220 кВ надвисокої напруги, а також 35 кВ під трансформаторами сухих рівнів, а також масляні трансформатори та трансформатори з аморфних сплавів.
Our factory is outfitted with high-tech 6000KVA Three Phase Pad Mounted Transformer. Our facility creates significantly more than 20000 transformers annually. Our production time for regular transformers is between 4-6 weeks. For custom-designed solutions it really is 6-8 weeks.
QXG є експертною компанією в електроенергетиці вже більше двох десятиліть. Фабрика — це справді розгалужена будівля площею 240,000 1000 квадратних метрів, у якій працює понад 200 співробітників, у тому числі XNUMX техніків і дизайнерів.