A 3-fas till enfas-transformator is something you may not know about, but it actually assists us in getting the electricity we need in homes and schools. There is a large machine that reduces the current coming from the power plants to a level we use, and it is called 10000kva substation transformer. This is extremely important because if we were to use electricity at its original voltage, it could be extremely harmful! It can be painful to humans, and it can ruin our electrical appliances. That’s why we need transformers to safely do things and manage fire.
This article will help you understand how a 3-fas transformator transforms the voltage of the electricity. It relies on something known as electromagnetic induction. This is a fancy way of saying that electricity can generate a magnetic field. There is a large coil of wire on either side of the transformer. When a current was run through one of these coils, it created a magnetic field that moved to the other coil. This changing magnetic field induces a current to flow in the second coil at a different voltage. Isn’t that cool? It’s like magic! The transformer ensures that electricity is safe for us to use in our daily life.
Inside a 10000kva substation transformer there are 2 coils of wire around a strong iron core. These coils are called the primary and secondary coils. The coil first hit by the electricity is called the primary coil, and the coil where the electricity comes out at a different voltage is called the secondary coil. By applying the appropriate physical laws a long-distance transmission coil combination, thus ensures that the electricity is transformed as safely and reliably as possible. The iron core is critical because it strengthens the magnetic field. This helps the transformer to do its job well and correctly. If there was no iron inside the transformer, it would not properly step-up or step-down the voltage, which could cause issues.
The 10000kva substation transformer is extremely crucial for our electricity, so it must be highly reliable. If something goes wrong with a transformer, it can cause power outages — which means we wouldn’t have electricity to power our lights, our computers and other devices. This could also lead to dangerous situations, especially if anyone requires power for medical reasons. And when you have need of a transformer, companies such as QXG do everything in their power to ensure that the transformer is of the highest quality. They subject them to rigorous testing to make sure they can withstand the elements — extreme weather, or heavy usage, for example.
Finally, there is also a significant role of the 10000kva substation transformer in the way the energy reaches to our houses and educational institutes. Transformers adjust the voltage to enable electricity to transmit over longer distances from the power plant where it is produced to where we actually use it. The thought of living miles away from the nuclear plant! It would have been difficult to get electricity to those locations without transformers. These transformers make it possible for us to receive electricity no matter where in the world we are, even if we are far from the electricity source. This really matters because this means everybody could gain access to electricity and we can have a life easy and comfortable.
Fabriken har en hög produktion med hög 10000kva transformatorstation. Vår fabrik producerar över 20000 4 transformatorer årligen. Vår produktionstid för normala transformatorer är cirka 6-6 veckor. För specialdesignade lösningar är det 8-XNUMX veckor.
Vi har en komplett artiklar är 10000kva transformatorstation transformator, kvalitet kan övervakas i varje steg. Dessutom har vi full tillgång på råvaror. som enkelt kan övervakas vid varje process. Råmaterial QC, online QC, kvalitetskontroll för förladdning, vi kan se till att produkterna du får är certifierade. Dina produkter eller tjänster kan anpassas för att möta de standarder du behöver för att inkludera IEC, IEEE, CSA, UL, GOST, TIER.
QXG är ett pågående företag som har varit expert när man tittar på elektrisk energi i över två decennier. Anläggningen är en 240,000 1,000 kvadratmeter stor anläggning med över 200 XNUMX anställda och XNUMX specialister och ingenjörer.
Vår QXG är en professionell transformatortillverkare. Våra produkter inkluderar 110KV, 220KV ultrahögspänningstransformatorer, 35KV under torra transformatorer, oljenedsänkta transformatorer, amorfa legeringstransformatorer, förinstallerade transformatorstationer samt olika specifikationer av boxtransformatorer, ugnstransformatorer gruvtransformatorer, likriktartransformatorer och mycket mer unika transformatorer .