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oil Immersed Type substation transformer

Oil cooled type substations transformers are special machineries which have a prime importance in electricity conversion. That’s because they are used in electricity substations, where we transform electricity to help make it safe for use. These transformers are used to convert high voltage electricity that is too powerful for our household supply into a lower voltage electricity that we can use. This lower voltage electricity powers our lights, TVs and many other items in our homes and businesses.

Transformers Are All Over the Globe They help move electricity long distances, from the power plants where electricity is generated to our homes where we consume it. Now without transformers, it would be extremely difficult for the electricity generated to get to its destination of use why they are so necessary!

Advantages of Using Oil Immersed Type Substation Transformers

Oil immersed type substation transformers have one huge benefit over other types, which is their efficiency. They are super efficient at high to low power conversion, minimizing energy loss. Due to this efficiency, they are very reliable, meaning that if well cared for, they can be trusted to work well for many years.

Now, let’s dive into a closer step-by-step of how these transformers are processed. One of the newest way of transformers is oil immersed type substation transformers. The essential parts are the core, coils, and oil. A core made of stacked thin slats of steel is critical. Copper wire is placed around these pieces of metal to form an electromagnetic field which aids in the transmutation.

Why choose QXG oil Immersed Type substation transformer?

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