Welcome back to Talk about electrical engineering knowledge, QXGElectric is now talking about Нэг фазын трансформатор руу 3 фаз. A transformer is a huge machine that is responsible for converting electricity from one voltage to another. This is important because electricity we use in our houses and structures needs generally must be at the right standard to be productive and safe. It is because substation transformers are utilized to provide electric power from distant stations, such as power plants, to houses and structures.
One of the most powerful and robust transformer is QXG 7500kva substation transformer. That means it can take a lot of electricity at once. A robust transformer is essential as overloading can burn out a transformer or even cause it to fail completely. Understanding this helps us know why transformers are so critical to our electricity provision.
QXG 3 фазын трансформатор has all good features that are surely going to make it a worth doing out option. That's all because first, it is made with robust and highest-grade materials which provide longevity and durable in tough situations. This durable quality also means that it will not break easily, an important factor for a continuous electricity supply.
Fourth, the transformer also has enhanced safety features. These features are in place to protect people and equipment from being injured. The safety is quite important with regards to the electricity, and these features assist for the individuals in using the electricity at their houses and companies with out facing any downside functioning correctly in.
Installing a 7500kva substation transformer (such as the QXG version) is an investment that pays off in multiple ways for your power system. First, it helps transmit electricity to homes and buildings in a dependable, efficient manner. This means that leases can assume that our lights, heaters, and other devices will work when needed.
Fourth, it can also contribute to a more robust grid by investing in a robust transformer like this one. In other words, it strengthens the system and lowers the vulnerability to outages and other issues. We depend on a reliable power system for our everyday routines and especially during storms or other emergencies.
There are many reasons why 7500kva substation transformer (for example, the QXG model) are the way of the future. First, they are intended to address skyrocketing demand for electricity in much of the world. As additional customers rely on electricity to power their residences and businesses, it will be essential to have robust transformers such as these to meet that demand.
The factory has a high production with highly 7500kva substation transformer. Our factory produces over 20000 transformers yearly. Our production time for normal transformers is all about 4-6 weeks. For custom-designed solutions it's 6-8 weeks.
Бид түүхий эдийн иж бүрэн сүлжээгээр хангадаг бөгөөд энэ нь процесс бүрийн туршид чанарыг хянах боломжийг олгодог. 7500 ква-ын дэд станцын QC-ийн чанарын хяналтыг онлайнаар авах боломжтой, мөн байгалийн материалыг урьдчилан ачаалах чадвартай. Бид бүх барааг өндөр чанартай байлгах боломжтой. Манай бүтээгдэхүүн бүрийг IEC, IEEE, CSA, UL, GOST, TIER зэрэгт оруулахыг хүсч буй стандартад нийцүүлэн тохируулах боломжтой.
Бид бол эргэлзээгүй алдартай үйлдвэрлэгч юм. Манай QXG нь 110КВ, 220КВ-ын хэт өндөр хүчдэлийн трансформаторын хамт 35КВ-ын доорх хуурай трансформаторын тосонд дүрсэн трансформатор, аморф хайлшин трансформатор, урьдчилан суурилуулсан дэд станц, хайрцагны трансформатор, зуухны трансформаторын шулуутгагч трансформатор, уул уурхайн трансформатор болон бусад төрөл бүрийн тусгай трансформаторуудыг багтаасан болно. .
QXG нь 20 гаруй жилийн турш цахилгаан эрчим хүчний салбарт ажиллаж байна. Тус байгууламж нь 200 метр квадрат талбайг хамарсан 1,000 гаруй инженер техникийн ажилтан, инженерүүдтэй, 240,000 ажилтантай. АНУ, Канад, Европын орнууд, Ойрхи Дорнод, Филиппин болон бусад улс орнуудад тээвэрлэгддэг.