The QXG 10KV Oil Immersed Pedestal Pad Mounted Transformer 500KVA is a significant electrical device that facilitates power supply to various localities, similar to the QXG's product like гурван фазын дэвсгэрт суурилуулсан трансформатор. Not only designed to work outdoors, but also can be directly placed outside the building or construction, and can run anytime when you need power. This transformer is excellent in distributing the electricity reliably and get moving your work bug-free from the power failure.
This transformer has one of the best selling point which is it oil-immersed, along with the 35 кв тосон трансформатор produced by QXG. Pretty much, it is designed ready to handle all-weather like heavy rains, strong winds, and even snow. The strong metal cover of the transformer protects it from water but it is not placed inside a water tank. Water can create all sorts of issues for you too, such as electrical short circuits that can damage your equipment and cause power outages. Owing to this, the oil-immersed architecture is imperative. And that means the transformer will be incredibly durable and resistant to almost any weather condition it might face over its lifetime.
QXG 10KV Transformer Jun 08, 2022500KVA large capacity QXG 10KV Transformer Ideal for large premises that require high wattage output, such as factories, commercial buildings or industrial appliances, also the QXG's product such as 500 ква трансформатор. This transformer ensures delivery of the necessary electricity for all your needs while maintaining the quality of the power supply. This ensures that all your machinery and equipment can operate without fail. This is the transformer you can rely on to ensure that everything remains functional and runs smoothly as it is very important for any business.
The QXG 10KV Transformer is also pedestal pad mounted, along with the дэвшилтэт тулгуурт суурилуулсан трансформатор built by QXG. You can conveniently install the transformer outdoors with this creative design. It is the perfect height, So you never need to break out the step stool for checking or maintenance. And, being pad-mounted, it does not require you to construct a special building for it. So that means it can installed virtually anywhere outdoors, so it is a an excellent option for whatever facility or location needs access to consistent electricity.
The QXG 10KV Transformer also utilizes state-of-the-art 3 Phase Technology, the same as QXG's 34500 гурван фазын дэвсгэрт суурилуулсан трансформатор. That technology is critical in order to provide what is known as firm and reliable energy supply. It divides the power in three, allowing it to avoid abrupt variations in the power supply, as in flow or fall. This helps in running your machines without any issue and also in protecting them for power shortfall. This energy dependable supply, your equipment is assured to be secure and your operations may be carried out effortlessly, and uninterruptedly.
QXG бол 240,000 гаруй жилийн турш цахилгаан эрчим хүчний чиглэлээр мэргэшсэн, байнгын ажиллагаатай компани юм. Тус байгууламж нь 1,000 гаруй ажилтан, 200 гаруй мэргэжилтэн, инженерүүд бүхий XNUMX ам метр талбай бүхий байгууламж юм.
Our factory is outfitted with high-tech 3 Phase Outdoor 10KV Oil Immersed Pedestal Pad Mounted Transformer 500KVA. Our facility creates significantly more than 20000 transformers annually. Our production time for regular transformers is between 4-6 weeks. For custom-designed solutions it really is 6-8 weeks.
Our center is excessively efficient and services a highly automated type of production. 3 Phase Outdoor 10KV Oil Immersed Pedestal Pad Mounted Transformer 500KVA QC is available online, combined with ability to preload and QC of raw materials. We will ensure that these products we sell are of supreme quality. Our products can generally be customized to meet with the requirements including IEC CSA, UL GOST TIER.
Бид бол QXG нэр хүндтэй үйлдвэрлэгч юм. Бид 110КВ ба хэт өндөр 220КВ хүчдэл, хуурай түвшнээс доогуур 35КВ трансформатор, мөн тосонд шингэсэн аморф хайлштай трансформатор зэрэг олон төрлийн бүтээгдэхүүнийг санал болгож байна.