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2600 кв-ын дэд станцын трансформатор Монгол

This is a type of power machine that will the way how we share electrical power, most of the time 2400kva substation transformer — military locomotive. These transformers weigh so much that they cannot be lifted by the hands of two or three while carrying it. Instead, a crane or similar machinery is used to lift them. This reflects the significance of all these machines in fulfilling our electricity requirements.

How a 2600kva Substation Transformer Powers Large-Scale Energy Networks

With all of the movement in cities and factories, electricity is needed to keep everything running. Electric poweris produced at the power stations. But the process before this electricity can be transmitted to our homes and businesses. It must be stepped-up (converted to a higher voltage). And this is where the transformer 2600kva substations comes in. This boosts, or raises, the strength of the electricity so that it can carry long distances on power lines with little energy lost as heat along the way. When the current arrives at its destination, there is another transformer that transforms the voltage down to an everyday safe level for use in houses and factories.

Яагаад QXG 2600ква дэд станцын трансформаторыг сонгох хэрэгтэй вэ?

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