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компанийн нэр

2000КВА гурван фазын дэвсгэрт холбох трансформатор

These are heavy-duty transformers for big electrical requirements. The Нэг фазын трансформатор руу 3 фаз from QXG is exactly what you need! Ideal for heavy-duty tasks, this transformer is capable of supplying power to your home or business. Whether you are in an industrial area or just need power on your house, it can meet the demand of the various types of settings.

2000КВА гурван фазын дэвсгэрт холбох трансформатор

The 3 фазын трансформатор is designed for domestic, commercial, and industrial heavy-duty applications which are capable in factories, shops, and homes. It can dispense high power, 2000KVA maximum capable of receiving large electrical load without any glitch. Which is why its an excellent choice for locations which require tons of energy to operate machinery, lighting and other equipment. It is a three-phase transformer so it can share the power more evenly than the other transformers. It contributes to minimize energy wastage and offers a stable power supply.

Яагаад QXG 2000KVA гурван фазын дэвсгэрт холбох трансформаторыг сонгох хэрэгтэй вэ?

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