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Foedus sub statione

Electricity or power travel through power lines at high voltage and passes few destinations known as substations. A QXG commutator substation is more like one of those little power stations. So, it directs the electricity where pumps have to operate properly to any area. 

When space is available for a large substation is less in such situations compact type substations would have their application. Even if area is small like in parking or roof of a building, compact substation can also be installed without occupied much location for installation. It's a great option for places with not much room to run around and explore.

The Advantages of Installing a Compact Sub Station

Perhaps this is the main reason that compact substations are so versatile when it comes to your electrical power needs — they can be installed more quickly and easily than larger traditional sub stations. Installation and deployment from the ground up takes only a few weeks! By comparison, conventional methods for building a substation can take months. It is serving a big city with rapid power demand by compact substation. 

Where there's a need for these fast connections, real estate is at such a premium that it may not be feasible to set up an entire mini-substation the size of netball courts. This is where a compact substation QXG TRANSFIGURATOR comes into the picture. It is smaller in size, so can be developed-in for even limited space to deliver electricity effectively inside busy areas.

Why choose QXG Compact sub station?

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