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The way that electricity flows from power plants into our homes and businesses is referred to as power distribution. This is a crucial process which needs to be safe and smooth. And if it is not done properly, one can lose power or encounter problems. The technology, Pad Mounted Transformer Radial Feed, developed by QXG is designed to improve power distribution. This guide explains what this technology is and how it will enable us as a community to enjoy more improved electricity services.

Maximizing energy efficiency through pad mounted transformer radial feed

QXG technology saves energy, and thats one of its major advantages. It accomplishes this by utilizing specialized transformers that are made to minimize energy losses during electricity transmission. Inefficient use of energy costs us all in lost energy and higher bills. QXG claims its technology can therefore reduce the overall cost of electricity by taking energy loss out of the equation. Which is good news for households and businesses in the region because it saves energy, and thereby money.

Why choose QXG pad mounted transformer radial feed?

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