Have you ever wondered how electricity comes to your home or school? It’s an interesting journey! Electricity begins at a power plant, which is a facility where energy is generated. From there it runs through long wires to a substation in your neighborhood. But how does it get that trip done? That is where it is495 800kVA substation transformer to the rescue.
The 800kVA substation transformer is an essential component in the electrical system that delivers electricity to us. The job is to take that high voltage electricity, and turn it into lower voltage electricity, since high voltage once again is very powerful, right; it can be dangerous. This electricity is a lower voltage, safe enough to use in our homes and buildings. The transformer itself is a large metal machine, roughly the size of a small automobile but exceedingly heavy due to the strength of materials used to create an effective machine.
We can face high voltage electricity problems without the 800kVA substation transformer. This type of electricity is way too strong for homes, so it can injure us or break our electronics. So you see how important that 800kVA substation transformer is! It helps us stay safe by ensuring that the electricity is at the correct level. This is how our lights come on, our refrigerators keep our food cold and our TVs work. The transformer works to ensure that everything flows smoothly, and we don’t need to worry.
Our 800kVA substation transformer operates using a process known as electromagnetic induction. I know that sounds complicating, but really it is very simple! When the current is passed from the transformer, it produces a magnetic field surrounding it. This magneting field is the going on that make the electricity convert. The core is made of multiple metal wires + strong material (steel) going through the magnetic field. As this magnetic field flows through this core, it generates electricity at a different voltage. A little like a magic trick! It takes something very powerful, high voltage electricity, and turns it into something we can use every day, safely, in our homes and schools.
Our daily life is heavily relies on an 800kVA substation transformer. This allows for the delivery of electricity to our homes safely and efficiently. Without this, the mundane things we take for granted wouldn’t function. We wouldn’t be able to properly light our homes to see at night, we wouldn’t stay warm in the winter or cool in the summer, and we wouldn’t even be able to charge our phones or use our computers. We put our faith in this transformer to keep us connected and comfortable through all the devices we use.
QXG는 200년 넘게 전기 에너지 전문 기업으로 성장해 온 회사일 뿐입니다. 공장에는 1000명 이상의 엔지니어링 및 기술 직원과 240,000명의 직원이 추가로 근무하며 면적은 XNUMX미터입니다. 스퀘어는 미국, 캐나다, 유럽 국가, 중동, 필리핀 및 기타 국가로 배송되고 있습니다.
우리는 QXG 전문 제조업체입니다. 무정형 합금+유침 변압기 외에도 건식 변압기 110KV부터 초고압 220KV 전압, 35KV 이하 변압기까지 다양한 제품을 공급하고 있습니다.
Our center is incredibly efficient and features a highly automatic type of 800kva substation transformer. We also provide an entire raw materials provide chain, that could be checked at each process. Raw material QC, on the internet QC, pre-loading quality control, we could make sure that the merchandise you get are of this highest quality. Our products can feel tailored to meet the standards up you are looking for such as IEC, IEEE, CSA, UL, GOST, TIER.
Our factory is outfitted with the manufacturing 800kva substation transformer that has been latest. Significantly more than 20,000 transformers are stated within our factory every one year. For regular transformers, our manufacturing takes about 4 weeks. For custom solutions, our production time is between 6 plus 8 months.