An oil type transformer is somewhat a crucial device that influences high voltage electric current into lower electric volt, and in many cases the opposite way. Which means it actually helps make electricity safer, and more suitable for other devices. There are two main parts of the transformer that functions jointly which is Primary Winding and Secondary winding. This is connected to the electrical grid (where high voltage electricity comes from) and this is known as a primary winding. The low voltage electrical equipment hook up with the secondary winding.
How an Oil Type Transformer Works? It works on the basis of a principle which is called electromagnetic induction. To put it in a less scientific way, when the high voltage electricity travels through the primary winding - that creates an electromagnetic field around. And because it forces or creates a current in the secondary winding, this magnetic field is vital. There are two things that the amount of voltage and current,which can be flowed in the secondary winding, depend on: The number of turns wire (inside primary and secondary windings) And presence off applied voltage inside primary winding.
But oil type transformers also have some downsides about which we are explaining. However, the negative to that is they really can be huge and take up a ton of real estate. This can be a problem, particularly if space is tight where you are. Additionally, they may be more expensive than other transformers further complicating the budget picture for a business. The oil used to cool the transformer may also be a safety hazard. Any fault occuring in the transformer can result into fire or bursting of oil - a very serious threat to be taken care.
You also want to give your transformer some love by keeping it clean. This includes cleaning the surface of the transformer so as to remove any dust, dirt, or debris that may form on its body. Here, cleanliness = no build-up which in return would hurt the performance of your devices. Checking the level of oil is also very significant. This provides a safe working environment for the transformer by ensuring that there is always enough oil for cooling.
Different industries make use of oil type transformers, and they serve different purposes as well. One of the main sectors for their use is power industry. In this case, they assist in altering voltage levels for electricity transference. In the oil and gas industry, they are also frequently used to assist with offering power. Further, from the mining industry they have brought a broad application in powering electrical drills specifically, and other critical systems generally by way of oil type transformers.
This is important because oil type transformers supply power to machines used in the manufacturing industry and how many other types of units require low voltage electricity to run, but they can be dangerous elements. They are also used in transportation where they contribute to the engines of trains and electric vehicles. This is why oil type transformers are utilized across a wide range of sectors, using versatility and showcases just how valuable they are to our daily lives.
Oil type transformers have another plus that is durability. If maintained correctly, these can last for easily over a decade so long term it is an investment worth making More than that, they are easy to look after since a piece of wood flooring takes minimal upkeep. Additionally, oil transformers are multipurpose and can be employed in various industries; thus providing this machine with a lout of work.
A QXG több mint 20 éve foglalkozik az elektromos árammal. A létesítményben jelentősen több mint 200 mérnöki technikus és mérnök dolgozik, 1,000 alkalmazottal, és 240,000 XNUMX négyzetméteres területen szállítják az Egyesült Államokba, Kanadába, európai országokba, Közel-Keletre, Fülöp-szigetekre és más országokba.
We have a complete items are oil type transformer, quality can be monitored at every step. Additionally, we have a full supply for raw materials. that can easily be monitored at each and every and each process. Raw material QC, online QC, pre-loading quality control, we are able to make sure the products you get are certified. Your products or services may be customized to meet up with the standards you need you need to include IEC, IEEE, CSA, UL, GOST, TIER.
Our factory is equipped with cutting-edge oil type transformer. A lot more than 20000 transformers are produced at our facility every year. For standard transformers, our production takes about 4 to 6 weeks. For custom solutions, our manufacturing duration is approximately weeks 6-8.
Kétségtelenül jól ismert gyártók vagyunk. A QXG-nk 110 KV, 220 KV ultra-nagyfeszültségű transzformátort, valamint 35 KV száraz transzformátort, olajbemerített transzformátorokat, amorf ötvözet transzformátorokat, előre telepített alállomást, valamint különböző specifikációjú doboztranszformátort, kemence transzformátor egyenirányító transzformátort, bányászati transzformátort és számos egyéb speciális transzformátort tartalmaz. .