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एक नि: शुल्क उद्धरण प्राप्त

हमारे प्रतिनिधि जल्द ही आपसे संपर्क करेंगे।
कंपनी का नाम

oil immersed substation transformer

Electricity: We often envision electricity perfectly appearing the moment we turn on a device, whether that is turning on a light or just switching on your game console and playing away. However, there are many behind-the-scenes efforts to ensure that the electricity we consume on a daily basis is safe and reliable. A very critical piece of equipment that aids with this is known as a substation transformer. Specifically, we refer to the oil-immersed substation transformer produced by QXG.

One of the main elements in this context is a substation transformer. It assists in transferring the electric current from one voltage level to another. Electricity, for instance, is transmitted at high voltages and must be transformed to a lower voltage before it can enter homes and businesses safely. Now, the oil- immersed substation transformer does this by using that oil for cooling purposes and protection. The transformer consists of two wire coils that are wound around a piece of iron. That is, if high voltage electricity passes through one coil, it generates a magnetic field. That magnetic field then induces current into the other coil, routing that energy out to low voltage lines for us to use.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Oil in Substation Transformers

This means that using oil in these transformers for substations has different underlying reasons and it is important to understand this. This is mainly because oil provides high insulation properties. This implies it can contain a high voltages there and not escape out, which would free damage the transformer in addition to several apparatus. That is one of the most important features that protects everything. Moreover, oil also has a high ability for heat conduction which is not going away from transformer. It assists by transporting heat away from the transformer generated during its operation so that the transformer cools off. This is also essential because Transformers that are overheated will stop performing proper function and the transformer will not have long life.

It is essential to carry out necessary maintenance and safety inspections on an उच्च आवृत्ति तेल ट्रांसफार्मर, to ensure that the machine is not only working properly but also remain safely functional through its entire lifecycle. These are some of the crucial responsibilities that include monitoring oil levels, checking for leaks, and grounding of transformer. This prevents potential electrical hazards from harming people or equipment. Regular oil checks can also assist in early identification of potential issues such as dirt or moisture which over time can be detrimental to transformer performance.

Why choose QXG oil immersed substation transformer?

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