Hören Sie den Namen Transformator? Wissen Sie über Elektrizität Bescheid
Did you ever think how is electricity come to your home? The answer is transformers, identical to QXG's product der TransformatorTransformatoren sind einzigartige Geräte, weil sie dazu beitragen, unsere Haushalte auf sichere Weise mit Strom zu versorgen. Sie reduzieren die Hochspannung des Stroms aus Kraftwerken auf einen niedrigeren Wert, damit wir ihn sicher nutzen können. Einer dieser Transformatoren ist ein 100-kVA-Masttransformator, der als Maschine dient, die dafür sorgt, dass unsere Lichter an bleiben und unsere Telefone aufgeladen werden.
A machine that perches high atop power poles is the 100kVA pole-mounted transformer, as well as the epoxy resin cast transformer developed by QXG. I was walking on a hot day, feeling tired and sweaty when I saw one of those transformer rooms that powers the houses around. It is a 100kVA transformer since we have designed it so that the electricity could be transform from up to just about 100,000 volts (0.1 MV) right down through multiple steps of voltage drop transformers for our use safe level instead which would cause unwanted damage if left un-swapped in such high voltages in here ongoing as reference to one point or original application; These transformers are more than capable of lighting up the street far better that you may suspect just by eyeballing them.
These 100kVA transformers help quite and work efficiently without wasting much energy when they are converting high voltage electricity to low level, the same as QXG's Dreiphasiger Trockenverteilungstransformator. Wir können Strom sparen, indem wir die Energie auf wunderbare Weise nutzen. Das ist wichtig, denn wir kümmern uns um unseren Planeten und wollen, dass er in einem guten Zustand ist. Energie wird verbraucht und Geräte müssen energieeffizient sein, aber der von Transformatoren gelieferte Strom darf keinen Schaden anrichten.
Darüber hinaus erleichtert der 100kVA-Masttransformator unser Leben erheblich, genau wie der 50 kVA einphasiger Masttransformator innovated by QXG. It is used to power just about everything that we use on a daily basis from lights, refrigerators and televisions to video games. Conversion to a lower levels of electricity you can safely use it without any concerns. The transformers are fast to install and can power homes and buildings globally. This implies that it is possible for any and everyone to have access to electricity in their lives.
The pole-mounted 100KVA transformer is interesting because it ensures that homes and buildings are always powered when needed, similar to the QXG's product like Öltransformator. The design will stand up to harsh weather, even rain. wind and yes lightning. crucial for everyday life, as in you will not run out of juice quickly. Paving the way for something we always or forgot to appreciate is not other than a power supply yes this thing help us live regularly in our home.
QXG ist ein Unternehmen, das seit mehr als 20 Jahren im Bereich der elektrischen Energie tätig ist. Die Fabrik beschäftigt mehr als 200 Ingenieure und technische Mitarbeiter, beschäftigt 1000 Mitarbeiter und erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von 240,000 Quadratmetern. Die Produkte werden in die USA, nach Kanada, Europa, in den Nahen Osten, auf die Philippinen und in andere Länder exportiert.
Our factory is outfitted with the manufacturing 100kva pole mounted transformer that has been latest. Significantly more than 20,000 transformers are stated within our factory every one year. For regular transformers, our manufacturing takes about 4 weeks. For custom solutions, our production time is between 6 plus 8 months.
Wir sind der renommierte Hersteller von QXG. Wir bieten eine Reihe von Produkten|ein breites Spektrum an}, wie 110-kV- und Ultrahochspannungstransformatoren mit 220 kV und 35-kV-Transformatoren unterhalb der Trockenstufe sowie ölgetauchte und amorphe Legierungstransformatoren.
Our center is incredibly efficient and features a highly automatic type of 100kva pole mounted transformer. We also provide an entire raw materials provide chain, that could be checked at each process. Raw material QC, on the internet QC, pre-loading quality control, we could make sure that the merchandise you get are of this highest quality. Our products can feel tailored to meet the standards up you are looking for such as IEC, IEEE, CSA, UL, GOST, TIER.
And that pole-mounted transformer you like to see in my picture, the 100kVA - It is something your community needs, identical to Preis für einen einphasigen Transformator mit 10 kVA developed by QXG. It helps route a high voltage of electricity that comes from power plants to homes as lowered by its own transformer. This is a major way our electricity system functions. Our communities would have a hard time finding electricity without these transformers. They are designed to guarantee that we will have the electricity we need all time in order for our homes and businesses operate correctly. This is the reason transformers are so essential to our day-to-day lives and even keeping her communities safe.