Electricity plays an important role in our lives. QXG Силов трансформатор enables us to switch the lights on in our homes, schools and places of work. Transformers are the tools that we use to help carry electricity from one spot to another without hurting anyone. Pad mounted Transformer (Special type of transformer) This transformer is typically an outdoor installation, often encased in a vault underground so as not to be heard. The primary Function of this Component is to manage the flow of electricity so it's suitable and Safe for use.
The QXG Трифазен трансформатор, монтиран на подложка is also extremely reliable, which makes it another great thing about this transformer. Even when it has been faced with harsh weather elements this is a machine that will be here for years to come. This transformer is capable of withstanding anything from extreme heat to cold, heavy rain and winds! After that, you will be able to stay worry free regarding any unfavorable weather; your power system is still up and running.
The transformer is energy efficient, and coupled with the maintenance free aspect of it which means that there two parts to be replaced are further reduced by this design. That QXG Монофазен трансформатор, монтиран на подложка adds up to serious savings in the long run, which is great for those wanting a cheaper energy bill. As a result, this transformer is not only the right thing you can do but also wise to save your budget for everyone who wishes to reduce energy and decrease bill payments.
An outdoor installation requires more safety functions and this type of equipment is better when it comes to making them. The 25kva pad mounted transformer is designed with several safety technologies that will make the people and property around them secure. For example, it is constructed in such a way that no one can tamper with the data. That means it is nearly impossible for anybody to come into contact with the internal parts of a transformer keeping any accidents at bay.
Moreover, this transformer is added with many safety arrangements involving protective guards and warning signage also. They keep you out of hazard areas to show the viewer just how important it is be careful around electricity. The transformer uses high-strength and fire-retardant materials to ensure that no accidents happen due to any risks of a fire but ended in failed attempt.
Нашата фабрика е оборудвана с високотехнологичен 25kva монтиран трансформатор. Нашето съоръжение създава значително повече от 20000 4 трансформатора годишно. Нашето време за производство на обикновени трансформатори е между 6-6 седмици. За индивидуално проектирани решения това наистина е 8-XNUMX седмици.
QXG всъщност е невро-научна електрическа способност за получаване на повече от 20 възрасти. Организацията има много повече от 200 инженери и технически персонал, като наема 1000 всеки, и обхваща местоположение от 240,000 XNUMX квадратни метра. Изпращат се до Съединените американски щати, Канада, Европа, Близкия изток, Филипините заедно с други страни.
Ние сме водещ производител на нашия QXG и продуктите включват 110KV 220KV големи свръхнапрежения и 35KV под сухи трансформатори, потопени в масло трансформатори, трансформатори от аморфни сплави, предварително инсталирана подстанция в допълнение към многобройни спецификации на пакетни трансформатори, пещни трансформатори, токоизправителен трансформатор , минен трансформатор и други специални трансформатори.
We provide a full raw materials chain, that allows quality to be controlled throughout each process. 25kva pad mounted transformer QC is available online, along with ability to preload plus QC of natural materials. We are able to ensure that all goods are of high quality. Each of our products can be customized to meet up with the standards you would really like you need to include IEC, IEEE, CSA, UL, GOST, TIER.