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112.5KVA Driefase Pad Mount Transformator

Electricity plays a vital role in our lives. It is responsible for keeping our homes up and running as well as schools, possibly hospitals too. No electricity would mean no more TVs, computers or even cellphones. Electricity is little more than magic, as it powers so many things in life. But have you given any thought to how electricity comes into your house? It begins with large machinery known as power generators which generate electricity. Then, transformers are utilized to assist in transmitting that electricity securely into our homes. For this job, you can take a look at one awesome transformer is the QXG1125KVA Three Phase Pad Mount Transformer.

The 112.5KVA Three Phase Pad Mount Transformer

The QXG 112.5KVA Transformer is a unique machine which transfers electrical energy between two or more circuits through electromagnetic induction. It operates by transforming the current from a high voltage to a low voltage. That matters a lot because lower voltage electricity is way safer for use in homes and buildings. The transformer is extremely efficient (DOI) and also has high reliability. Which makes for an excellent combination for pushing power to the places that need it.

Waarom QXG 112.5KVA Driefase Pad Mount Transformator kies?

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